Roulette Dares Letra
The Mars Volta
Letra, vídeo...
'Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt' se estrenó el . Esta canción está incluida dentro del disco De-Loused in the Comatorium.
Roulette Dares lyrics: Transient jet lag ecto mimed bison This is the hauntof roulette dares Ruse of metacarpi Caveat all that enter here Open wrist talks back again In the wounds of it's skin They'll pinpr. Marmalade Roulette Dares Accents are the blinged-out version of our chili pepper red x matte silk coffin press on nails. These beauties feature hand-applied Swarovski elements that pair perfectly with the killer red hue of Roulette Dares. Wear these nails for a powerful, drop-dead manicure. Lyrics of ROULETTE DARES (THE HAUNT OF) by The Mars Volta: Transient jet lag ecto mimed bison, This is the haunt of roulette dares, Ruse of metacarpi.
'Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt'
You must have been phlegmatic in stature
The gates of thanos are a spread eagle wide
You let the shutters make sackcloth and ashes
Out of a blind mans picaresque heart
You take the veil
You'll take the dive
You take the veil
It's not over till the tremulant sings
These ides of march
Are they so make believe
How tempts the revenant
Slice up and not across
You take the veil
You'll take the dive
You take the veil
A mass of gallon sloth
As flys have walls for feet
A rapturous verbatim-someone said but who is to know
And when you find the fringe
The one last hit that spent you
You'll find the ossuary spilling by the day
The iconoclastic had it coming for years
They know the prisons that you have yet to fear
Where thumbs hide inside of sleepingbag mouths
Adlib your memoires by casting a drought
You take the veil
You'll take the dive
You take the veil
A mass of gallon sloth
As flys have walls for feet
A rapturous verbatim-someone said but who is to know
And when you find the fringe
The one last hit that spent you
You'll find the ossuary spilling by the day
Knife me in hobbling
Talking in it's sleep again
Knife me in hobbling
Talking in it's sleep again
The one last hit that spent you
And you will find
The greatest fucking lie
Of aneurysm vespers
The ones that pile
Up the greatest fucking lies
Knife me in hobbling
Talking in it's sleep again
Knife me in hobbling
Talking in 'it's' sleep again
Virulent hives-of bedpost piles
Virulent hives
Who brought me here
Forsaken,depraved and wrought with fear
Who turned it off
The last thing I remember now
Who brought me here
Forsaken, depraved and wrought with fear
Who turned it off
The last thing I remember now
Who brought me here
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Letra Roulette Dares Mars Volta
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Roulette Dares Letra Traducida
This is the haunt of roulette dares
Ruse of metacarpi
Caveat all that enter here
Open wrist talks back again
In the wounds of its skin
They'll pinprick the witness
In ritual contrition
The am trinity fell upon asphyxia-derailed
In the rattles of...
Made its way through the tracks
Of a snail slouching whisper
A half mass comute through umbilical blisters
Spector will lurk
Radar has gathered
Midnight neuces from boxcar cadavears
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
It's because this is
Cranial bleeding
Leaches train the living
Cursed are they who speak its name
Ruse of metacarpi
Caveat emptor to all that enter here
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
It's because this is
Ratteling the laughter
Hinges splintering inside
Bludgeoned to a saddle
Rang the cloister bell inside
exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
it's because this is

Lyrics submitted by rjbucs28
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