Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number
Exciting poker tournaments happen almost every day at Arizona's largest poker room, the Arena Poker Room™ at Talking Stick Resort.
- Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number 24-7
- Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number 800
- Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number
Many poker rooms are closed indefinitely, and some may never reopen. Here are those poker rooms that have opened: Casino del Sol: Open. Poker 7-handed with Plexiglas divider between dealer and players. Gila River Hotels & Casinos – Wild Horse Pass: Open. Plexiglas dividers. Masks and temperature checks required. Talking Stick: Open. is the world’s leading independent Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number online gaming authority, providing trusted online casino news, guides, reviews and information since 1995. 966 reviews of Talking Stick Resort 'Whenever I find myself in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, I make every effort to visit Casino Arizona. It's a spacious, no frills casino with great action in their poker room. You'll love playing your favorite games at Talking Stick Resort™ because we deliver the best casino resort experience in Scottsdale. With more than 50 table games, 800 slot machines and poker tournaments almost every day, it's thrilling gaming all in one place.
Time: 10:15am
Buy-in: $125
Starting Chips: $10,000 Tournament Chips

Time: 10:15am
Buy-in: $200
Starting Chips: $15,000 Tournament Chips
Regular Poker Tournament Schedule
Weekday Mornings NLHE Tournament
Mondays - Thursdays
No-Limit Hold'em
Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number 24-7
$125 Buy-In
10,000 Chips

Limited to 100 entries/re-entries

Weekend NLHE Tournaments
Fridays and Saturdays
No-Limit Hold'em
$200 Buy-In
15,000 Chips
Talking Stick Casino Poker Room Phone Number 800
Limited to 100 entries/re-entries
Player Rewards Club™
Earn Rewards while you play with our Player Rewards Club™ Card.